任務圓滿達成後,政府考量到當時台灣產業在電子化進程上仍有進步空間,因此擬轉型後持續營運,裁定由政府與民間合組民營公司型態於1996完成民營化,並定名為「關貿網路」股份有限公司(英文名稱Trade-Van,Van為Value Added Network的縮寫),繼續加強通關自動化服務,並積極開拓網路資源,研發尖端技術,擴展營業範圍,提供全方位加值網路服務。
The predecessor of Trade-Van was “The Cargo Clearance Automation Planning and Promotion (CCAPP) Task Force”, which was formed under the approval of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China to address the difficulties faced by the exporters and importers in customs clearance. The mission of the CCAPP task force was thus to build a clearance automation and customs duty payment system to speed up customs clearance operations and help traders reduce trading costs. After four years of efforts, the CCAPP task force successfully set up the customs clearance automation system, which reduced the air cargo clearance time from 4 hours to 0.216 hours on the average and shortened the sea cargo clearance operations from 6 hours to an average of 2.049 hours.
After successful completion of the mission, the CCAPP task force was privatized and reformed as a company (with the government holding less than 50% of shares) in 1996. The company was named Trade-Van Information Services Co. (VAN stands for “Value Added Network”), whose mission was to continue strengthening customs clearance automation services, actively explore the network resources, research and develop state-of-the-art technology, expand business and service scopes, and provide a full range of value-added network services.
IT Services and IT Consulting, Nondepository Credit Intermediation, Finance and Insurance
HQ Location
台北市, 115, TW
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