Affectionately known as the “Center of the Universe” by residents for its central location within the state, Ashland is located in the heart of Hanover County, Virginia. Ashland is a community of seven square miles and more than 7,000 residents who enjoy prosperity fueled by Randolph-Macon College, a growing private sector, and a strong regional economy.
Through careful planning, Ashland is committed to stable growth that benefits our citizens while preserving the historic district, quaint residential neighborhoods, and growing system of parks and trails.
We pride ourselves on our transparency, the accessibility of our staff and elected officials, and the quick and efficient delivery of high-quality services. With an award-winning benefits package, family-friendly work culture, and a leader in innovative approaches to local government administration and community engagement, the Town of Ashland is proud to have been named a "Top Workplace" for six years running.