The Totally Entwined Group is comprised of three publishing houses – Totally Bound Publishing (Romantica), Finch Books (Young Adult), Pride Publishing (GLBTQI Fiction). We currently publish over 400 authors across UK and Europe, USA, Canada and Australia. Our flagship publishing imprint, Totally Bound Publishing, was winner of the “Best New Publisher Award” at the All Romance eBooks’ Best of 2007 Awards and was shortlisted for online retailer of the year at The Bookseller Industry Awards 2014.
Totally Bound Publishing
Totally Bound Publishing is the Home of Romantica fiction for readers who love sizzling romance stories, powerful plotlines and compelling characters. We aim to provide the ultimate stimulation for the imagination for fans of romance fiction.
Pride Publishing
Pride Publishing is the new destination for GLBTQI fiction, designed to give GLBTQI authors and readers the platform and community they deserve. Pride books encompass a wide range of genres and we publish top authors in GLBTQI fiction.
Finch Books
Launched autumn 2015, Finch books and provides of quintessential YA literature. We publish enlightening and influential fiction across a wide range of genres, including romance, adventure, dystopian, contemporary, comedy, GLBTQI, paranormal, fantasy and mystery.