TopDown's LS3 inventory right-sizing analysis is a reliable, correct, comprehensive, real-world service. We provide you with the optimal inventory target that will consistently achieve your service-level targets with minimal expediting.
No, we're not a formula. You've already tried those. And no, we're not an educated guess -- perhaps you've tried those, too.
Instead, our analysis is objective and data-driven. Indeed, this requires your data: historical demand patterns, lead-time variation and behavior, MOQ, package size, replenishment method, target service level, fill-rate measurement type and so on.
Do you have inventory items that have been particularly challenging to right-size? Perhaps those with intermittent, spiky demand patterns? Significant, even dramatic, lead-time variation? Seasonality? Large MOQs? Then you've discovered that the many safety-stock / ROP formulas are woefully inadequate. Our analysis is not a formula, and it is designed for just these types of items.
Using our service is easy: You send data. We send results.