
Top7 specializes in Technology, Information and Internet with 11 employees
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About Top7
At Top7, we have developed a unique ranking-based recommendation engine, in which people rank everything that is on their mind, from songs to electronics to games to vacation spots and anything in between. We then apply some smart proprietary algorithms and machine-learning techniques to match rankers with similar tastes and to provide highly customized recommendations for every topic imaginable. You can come to Top7 to find information, and break it down in all sorts of interesting ways to satisfy answers to tons of your questions. You can also come to Top7 to answer these questions yourself, finding topics that you feel knowledgeable about or that you are interested in and then help form the decision about what is truly the Top in Top7. You can come to Top7 to find people with similar tastes as you do to see what they like. And since we connect to Facebook, you can come here to see what your friends think is coolest or best from the topics that interest you. We’ll give you the information if you need it, and make it fun. If you want to help decide what Kanye West’s best song is, we will provide all of his music videos right there for you, making voting possible for everyone and fun to play around with.
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Technology, Information and Internet
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Top7 specializes in the Technology, Information and Internet field

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Top7 specializes in the Technology, Information and Internet field