To enable organizations to master the future successfully, TOI activates its innovation readiness from within by transforming employees, culture and processes.
Because only those who are capable of innovation will remain capable of long-term action and actively shape constant change.
At some point, the question hits everyone. When is it time to dare something new? How do trends and new technologies change your product range? Only those who possess the necessary know-how can survive this Innovators dilemma.
We call this competence the ability to innovate. It will be the basics of the 21st century, raw material for a successful company development and guarantor for good, humane work.
This does not only apply to companies.
Administrations as well as schools and universities must also learn to actively shape their future.
For a humane life in the digital age.
TOI proceeds in four steps to develop the ability to innovate.
Setup - Based on the results of an assessment, we determine together with the customer which steps are necessary.
Pilot- Because there is no patent recipe for innovation, we test the developed procedure with the help of a pilot project.
Accelerate - The innovation offensive begins: Our experts help with methodological knowledge, spatial concepts and communication strategies. This creates the conditions for the desired innovation culture.
Scale - Change Agents are trained in innovation methods and tools and carry the required knowledge exponentially throughout the organization. Tools of Innovators supports this training phase.