Toilet Twinning is a unique, quirky way to support people for don't have access to safe and clean toilets. 1.7 billion people still don't have access to a simple loo. Lack of basic sanitation affects health, education and livelihoods.
Twinning your Toilet can help families, communities and schools life themselves out of poverty.
A fundraising arm of Tearfund, an international relief and development NGO and a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), Toilet Twinning raises more than £1m per year to support Tearfund's Water and Sanitation programme and raises awareness of the sanitation crisis facing the world.
Toilet Twinning is seeking collaborations with corporates that complement our activities and share our values:
Strategic corporate focus:
Portable toilet companies
Conference centres and venues for loo door advertising
Bathroom and construction companies
The bio-science, pharmaceutical and health community
Tourism industry (Eco-tourism partners, holiday parks, attractions, theatres, cinemas, hotels)
Large corporates seeking Charity of the Year partnerships
Build corporate relationships within existing twinned towns, cities and Islands
Membership Organisation Partners:
British Toilet Association
Loo of the Year Awards
Scotland Malawi Partnership
Green Tourism