Title Partners of South Florida, is a trusted Florida title company providing Florida title insurance and Florida title search services since 1995. We are located in Ft Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida, but facilitate closings and issue title insurance statewide for clients worldwide. Title Partners of South Florida, Inc., a Ft Lauderdale, Broward County based, Florida title company is your #1 source for Florida Title Insurance and Florida title search services.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide you with a professional, engaging and memorable closing experience. Our #1 goal is for you to walk away from the closing table with a positive, long-lasting memory.
Efficient Processes
We have a "triple-check" file and closing system to eliminate the potential for issues at the closing table. We also deliver your Owner's Title Insurance Policy at the closing table to eliminate you having to wait months for it after closing.
Security Is A Priority
We are committed to transparency and security throughout the entire closing process. We maintain processes and procedures to keep your NPI (non-public information) secure, we implement all of the Best Practices set forth by ALTA (American Land Title Association) and we adhere to all the rules set forth by the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
A Trusted Company
We’ve been in business since 1995 and have successfully closed thousands of real estate transactions throughout the entire state of Florida. We are backed by two (2) of the nation's largest underwriters, First American Title Insurance Company and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, from which we’ve received numerous Top 10 agent awards.
Would you like an estimate of your closing costs?
Office: (954) 566-6000 (9am - 6pm Mon.- Fri.)
Facsimile: (800) 958.4599