Tight Knit – adjective (of a group of people) united or bound together by strong relationships and common interests.
It all started from an idea. I wanted to build a clothing line that meant something. Something more than cheap shirts and a catchy tagline. I wanted to create something I was proud of. Something I would rock first and foremost and if others wanted to rock it too, then that’s #tight. I wanted to build something that wasn’t trendy, but something that lasted, something #TightKnit.
In these recent times, we need each other more than ever. It shouldn’t be us vs everybody, it should be about meeting new people, building new relationships, no matter where you’re from or where you live, you keep it tight.
Welcome to Tight Knit Clothing. Inspired by primarily hip-hop fashion, and the city. Tight Knit Clothing is about great designs, colourways, and quality pieces that don’t cost a fortune. But most importantly, it’s about the message. No matter where you are in life keep working hard, keep it together, keep it going, keep it tight.
What does #KeepItTight mean to you? It could be your grades, it could be your circle of friends, it could be your body because you hit the gym steady. Whatever you apply to in life, that’s what it is. You keep it tight!
So join me in this journey. Let’s rock #tight gear that doesn’t cost a fortune. Check out our product page and pick something out you like. If you have an idea for a new design or a new piece, contact me. Are you a model, skater, rapper or influencer? Contact me. Let’s build this together. Let’s #KeepitTight
I hope you guys like what I produce and I appreciate all of the support thus far, it’s been amazing.
Rep the gang. Rep the city. Keep It Tight. #TightKnitSzn