Tidy Productions is an award-winning independent production company, specialising in comedy and comedy-drama.
Tidy was founded in Cardiff in 2008 by David Peet and Ruth Jones. Since then, the indie has produced a number of award-winning shows and chat-shows, including the ground-breaking bilingual comedy "Ar y Tracs", "The Great Outdoors" and "Ruth Jones' Christmas Cracker", as well as the highly acclaimed, "Stella" (now on its fourth series!). It was the second biggest UK comedy launch in multichannel history with its debut in 2012. The family saga, set in the Welsh valleys, is Sky 1′s most watched comedy to date.
Tidy offers a unique blend of creativity, quality and charm: this indie keeps growing and, in the last year, has made a number of significant appointments in development and production to support this growth.
For more information about Tidy, go to www.tidyproductions.com or email info@tidyproductions.co.uk