There is a problem today in that voters don’t know who they are voting for when they go to the voting booth. Money and name recognition are the two main reasons why candidates win elections, leaving many viable candidates with little to no chance of being seen or heard. We feel there should be a better solution to inform voters about ALL candidates who run for office. is that solution!
We give every candidate from any party a level playing field to win votes by subscribing to the site, uploading information and video to help connect with and inform voters. One site for all voters to get informed by all candidates running for office.
The is a Non-Partisan website that help voters get informed by giving them access to all account pages of candidates running for office. Voters use an interactive map to drill down to the specific candidate they are looking for. Voters then view the information about the candidates and watch their videos giving all voters the opportunity to be a Well Informed Voter during election time. The verified subscription account pages allow candidates and incumbents to inform voters even in non-election years.
The allows Voters to get informed without Super Pacs, lobbyists or any other third party influence. There are no comments sections (Troll Control). The only information you see and hear comes directly from the candidate. Voters are welcome to contact candidates through the verified candidate account pages to ask questions. The candidates can then answer these questions via email or through the use of video on their account page.
We will work hard to make this as easy as possible to get information to the voters. New services will be added to help the site be bigger and better than ever. If you see a glitch or have a suggestion for the site please contact us through our contact page.