United Supply is a wholesale, retail outlet representing and distributing over 900 product lines. Inventoried consumables have a major focus on mining, forestry, construction and sanitation supplies.
United Supply Divisions:
United Supply: supplying, Mining, Forestry, Construction and Industry for over 60 years throughout Northern Ontario. This division carries the traditional industrial lines representing a variety of Industrial suppliers with a very broad range of products. We are the “Canadian Tire” to Industry.
Swish: total janitorial and maintenance supplier for Industrial, Institutional and Residential needs. Swish has been in the sanitation industry since 1956 and has been extremely active in the promotion of environmentally safe products establishing cradle to grave cycles for all products that they produce.
Both of these divisions are located in a 45,000 square foot packaging and warehousing facility.
The Bucket Shop: conceived in 1990 and started with one employee and 3,500 sq. ft. Today after 3 moves we own the prior Crothers property adjacent to us and our shops boast of 55,000 sq. ft. and 50 employees..
Steeltec: the latest division which incorporates our Millwrights, Field Welders c/w welding rigs and our trucking fleet of 52 plus units from delivery pickups to 28 ft closed body Kenworths and 28 ft open deck Tilt & Load heavy haulers.
United Supply Equipment Sales & Rental: suppliers of current vintage, low hour heavy construction equipment.
Chevron Lubricants: Signature Class Marketer
Ownership: United Supply Inc., is a private and locally owned company which employs over 100 personnel throughout its various divisions.