In 1998, Dan Sullivan, MD, JD, FACEP, formed The Sullivan Group with the mission of improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, and lowering the incidence of malpractice claims. By leveraging research against technology, he developed RSQ® Solutions, a scalable, comprehensive program integrating the principles of Risk management, patient Safety, and Quality medical care into the practice high-risk medicine. Through its 15+ years of independent research into adverse outcomes, which includes an analysis of roughly 170,000 high-risk patients in Emergency Medicine and 14,000 patients in Obstetrics, The Sullivan Group has important Risk, Safety, and Quality clinical indicators that correlate to malpractice claims that stem from faulty diagnosis and other clinical issues.
Hospitals and Health Care, General Medical and Surgical Hospitals, Health Care and Social Assistance
HQ Location
3513 Brighton Blvd
Suite 485
Denver, CO 80216, US
Patient Safety EducatioEmergency MedicineObstetricsTriagePatient SatisfactioCommunication & ResolutioElectronic Medical Record Risk MitigatioClinical Risk Management