The Soni Scholarship has one simple aim - to empower children with access to education.
To do so, we want to work with you to help raise funds and sponsor individual children through college and university who are unable to gain access to financial resources to support themselves. We may not be able to empower every child with access to education today, but together we will make a start to positively impact the lives of as many children as we are able to reach. Together we will foster a path for children to reach their goals and desires.
Donating to the Soni Scholarship is an opportunity for you to be part of a child's journey. Every penny donated goes solely towards the child's education. In return for any donations, the individual child that you sponsor will provide you with regular quarterly updates of their progress through studies. We hope that this will give you a personal connection with the recipient of the scholarship.
Together we can make a real difference today. Let's help a child accomplish their dreams.