The Security Transformation Research Foundation is a dedicated think-tank and research body aimed at approaching Security problems differently and producing innovative and challenging research ideas in the Security, Business Protection, Risk and Controls space
The way Security, Business Protection, Risk and Controls functions are currently perceived, governed and operated across the large enterprise has not changed fundamentally over the past 10 to 15 years, in spite of a continual evolution of the threats.
This situation is rooted in structural limitations which have been preventing progress. However, instead of focusing on the identification of such roadblocks, research activities in the Security, Business Protection, Risk and Controls space seem to be turned towards the continuous maintenance of an aging body of “Good Practice” and the ongoing re-engineering of the technical solutions supporting it.
The Research Foundation is established to explore these limitations and identify structural solutions. It supports research projects and individual initiatives aimed at changing the narrative around Security, looking beyond the technical horizon into Security strategy, governance, culture, and the real dynamics of transformation.
“The Security Transformation Research Foundation” is a registered trademark of Corix Partners Limited, a Boutique Management Consultancy Firm, focused on assisting CIOs and other C-level executives in resolving Cyber Security Strategy, Organisation & Governance challenges.