The Sababa Kitchen believes that every food has a background, a story to tell. It is our mission to share that unique story with the people of New England. We do so by personifying our baked goods and creating a unique “upbringing” that highlights a specific time in history. Why? Because history is important – it helps us understand the past and shape the future. Teaching history through delicious baked goods might just help us have a better tomorrow.
instagram: @thesababakitchen
facebook: @thesababakitchen
twitter: @sababakitchen
HQ Location
The Sababa Kitchen
Boston, MA 02215, US
Historical storytelling through baked goodsPersonification of baked goodsCulinary arts
Baked goodsPersonified baked goodsHistorical-themed baked goods
BakeryBaked GoodsDessertJewish BakeryFarmers' Market