The Practicing Institute of Engineering, Inc. (PIE) is a non-profit organization authorized through New York State to evaluate and approve continuing education courses for PDH accreditation in the fields of professional engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture and architecture. In addition, PIE is authorized to approve Sponsor Organizations of continuing education for New York State-licensed professional engineers and land surveyors.
PIE works with Training Providers who employ or serve professional engineers, consulting engineering firms, state or municipal agencies, technical societies, professional societies, trade associations, higher education institutions, etc., to further its mission of providing continuing education for New York State-licensed professional engineers and land surveyors.
Strategic Management Services
HQ Location
6 Airline Dr
Suite 114
Albany, New York 12205, US
Continuing education evaluationProfessional engineering accreditationLand surveying accreditation
Continuing education coursesPDH accreditationApproval of Sponsor Organizations
PDH AccreditatioSponsor Organization ApprovalProfessional EngineersLand SurveyorsContinuing EducatioLandscape ArchitectureArchitecture