Founded in 2007 The Philosophy Foundation conducts philosophical enquiry in schools, communities, and workplaces.
We believe that reasoning skills, developed through philosophical enquiry, are an indispensable foundation of all aspects of learning. The Foundation’s primary educational aim is to get children doing philosophy in classrooms, and is always researching and developing new ways that this can be done.
We place philosophers trained in our Philosophical Enquiry methodology. All our philosophers hold at least a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, and are accredited to work in the specific setting where they conduct their enquiries, from primary schools to global businesses.
TPF has a special focus on the disadvantaged and those that would not normally be introduced to philosophy as a practice or a subject. TPF therefore has a commitment to encourage, support and sponsor non-privileged children to study philosophy at University.
Furthermore, The Philosophy Foundation works with companies and businesses to support their human resources and cultural challenges. Underpinning each of our programmes is the simple premise that the skills required for philosophical reasoning are fundamental to creativity, team building, decision making and leadership. In addition, we firmly believe that corporate culture and ethics can be developed and embedded through philosophical enquiry.
Our training programs endeavour to develop critical thinking skills in business leaders as well as fostering open and critical business values and culture.