The Part 66 Consultant was born during the Covid pandemic as a means of keeping aviation students connected. In Melbourne Australia we had one of the worlds longest lockdowns. This prompted the need for such a connection not only for trainee aviators within Australia but on a global scale.
The Aviation Industry is unique in the fact that everybody involved in it never stops training, however, as time stood still for 2 years, training needs became more prevalent and evident.
As we moved out of lockdown and training organisations reopened we identified a need to now focus on training the instructors.
For those of you that don’t know me, let me introduce myself.
Since 1989 I have held a license to maintain aircraft. I was fortunate enough to travel the world and work with many diverse people and cultures.
As an Aircraft Engineer training never ends as there are always new technologies and aircraft types evolving. Around 15 years ago I was part of a project training Aircraft Engineers and this quickly became my passion.
Watching students evolve and seeing how their hard work and diligence pays off has been the driving force to carry out the 2 things I love the most - Aircraft Engineering and Training.
Today my main focus is on the training of Training Staff as I feel that over time they have been neglected. My vision is to provide Trainers with a platform to aid Professional Development at both an industry and personal level.
We view our PD services as a SYSTEM rather than a course.
This SYSTEM is an ever evolving method of trainer/student interaction promoting and enhancing the art of instruction, it’s challenges and rewards.