Personalized communications solutions to select clients (yes, I wrote my own "memo").
When my first article secured for a client was published in the Miami Herald, I was hooked. And, honestly a bit scared. 15 years later, I’m still hooked on public relations, and still honestly a bit scared.
Roughly a decade after Jerry Maguire was released, I wrote my own “memo.” While reading a magazine, I came across a profile of a CEO that outlined my ideal working environment and clients, plus non-profits / charities were a priority. Immediately I outlined in a harried fashion how I, too, wanted to do more with public relations than what that traditionally meant. For the next nine years, I was Jerry Maguire’s (Tom Cruise) Dorothy Boyd (Renee Zellweger).
Fast-forward nearly a decade, and “Dorothy” had her own crisis of conscience. An excerpt of Jerry’s memo sums it up perfectly: “We are losing our battle with all that is personal and real about our business. Every day I can look at a list of phone calls only partially returned. Driving home, I think of what was not accomplished, instead of what was accomplished. The gnawing feeling continues.”
I wanted, needed to be Jerry, provide more to clients, not just what was promised in proposals (which was hard enough). But how? I resigned (and if there was a fish, I would have taken it with me!).
Today, I am the Founder & Fixer of The PR Company, a communications firm dedicated to advancing clients and communities. While clients and communities are plural, one of the pillars of the company’s foundation is to stay small, fewer clients and more personalization.
Everyone wins. Welcome to The PR Company.