The Othona Community Bradwell specializes in Non-profit Organization Management with 2 employees
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About The Othona Community Bradwell
Othona is an open and inclusive Christian Community drawing on a wealth of other inspirations. We welcome people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and beliefs to our centres on the quiet coasts of Essex. Through sharing in a daily rhythm of work, worship, study and play, we seek to learn how to live together and learn from each other. In community we explore the relationship between faith and life and encourage one another in caring for the world and its people. It is a place of welcome and acceptance whoever you are providing simple accommodation and good food at a low cost.
From its beginning in 1946 as a summer camp in tents on the Essex marshes, Othona has been a meeting place for people from different countries and backgrounds. They came then and they come now – all the year round and not only in tents - to be refreshed, to take stock, to make friends over the shared chores, perhaps to learn something new, and to go across the field together to the ancient St Peter’s chapel looking out over the Blackwater estuary.
The community attracts anything between 10 and 100 people, depending on the theme and the season. At any given time there will be some who have been coming for years and others here for the first time. Especially in the summer the dining room echoes to the sound of many languages and children’s voices.
Othona has a special concern for living in harmony with nature – with wind turbine, solar panels, and eco-building and much else. The beauty of the natural world is all around – from a green woodpecker to an unpolluted starlit night sky.