Over the last 10 years, the biopsychosocial model has grown in popularity and the medical world has been emphasising the need for integrated multi-modality practices.
Health is influenced not just by what lies beneath your skin but also what happens in your head as well as the society that you live within.
By utilising the skill-sets of general practitioners, psychologists, osteopaths, dietitians and acupuncturists we encourage health and address the biopsychosocial framework via medicine, diet, movement and education.
And we really emphasise:
Rapport. We place high regard on the ability of practitioners to develop, prioritise and maintain their professional rapport with their patients. 'People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care'
Space. The practice is beautiful for patients and practitioners alike. One where practitioners can walk in, be supported, and work with their patients in light-and-plant-filled art-leaden rooms.
Integration. Our team talk to each other. They share a lunchroom. They have internal PD events. They develop a professional understanding of each other and what they do by spending time with each other.