The Land Between is a bioregion that extends from the Georgian Bay Coast to the Ottawa Valley. It’s the last intact wilderness in southern Ontario, a final refuge for wildlife species, and a land of hope. The region is an irreplaceable source of ecosystem services that keep us healthy. However, it is also a fragile place where urban sprawl and habitat loss will compromise our long-term stability and our ability to navigate Climate Change.
The Land Between is also a charity that is a grassroots non-government-organization and works to achieve bioregionalism; a sense of place and active broad stewardship that is rooted in the understanding that our wellbeing comes from the land. The charity conducts applied collaborative research and conservation projects, provides education and facilitates public engagement, in order to restore habitats and wildlife populations, cultural assets, and economic pillars across the Land Between bioregion.
The charity strives for a bright future for Ontario, leaving a legacy of outdoor sports and recreation, adventures, and family traditions; of clean water, healthy lakes and diverse wildlife.