The Lab is a national network of technology based social clubs where young people with autism can develop friendships, learn skills & have fun. The Lab is a strengths based program that allows members to experience friendships & learn skills on their own terms. Lab members leave labels at the door & share a common experience, where love of games and technology creates a powerful pathway to self confidence and increased opportunities for vocational & social connections. At weekly sessions young people engage with experienced technology mentors who share a common enthusiasm for social games, coding, video & other digital media activities.
The Lab Network is a not for profit company that provides support for the over 30 Labs currently operating around Australia and for new individuals and groups that wish to offer The Lab in local communities. The Lab is a low cost & simple to operate activity but highly effective model for empowering young people in a community based environment.
The Lab Network can provide support with administration, recruitment of members and mentors along with marketing and promotional support to reach your local community.
The Lab Network has been offering The Lab Online since 2016 with the program greatly expanded during 2020 and 2021. The Lab Online provides access to The Lab for young people in regional Australia where access to an in-person venue is not possible. The Lab Online has developed well beyond what would previously have been perceived as a video conferencing experience. The skills of mentors and maturation of the Zoom platform have created a vibrant and engaging environment.
Whether as a potential new Lab organiser or organisation that would like to offer The Lab as a part of their services, The Lab Network provides a wide range of support. If you have a love for games and a desire to engage with a valuable activity supporting the coders and games of the future, consider becoming a Lab mentor.