The King's Affair is a fancy dress May Ball and takes place on the Wednesday night of Cambridge's infamous May Week . Renowned as the antidote to the monotony of traditional May Balls, The King's Affair offers the best music line-up in Cambridge as the spectacular grounds of King's College are transformed into a dark, dreamlike paradise for one night a year. The grounds are filled with music stages, entertainment rides, incredible lighting and production, and attendees add to the atmosphere with a diverse range of costumes based on the year's theme.
The event has upwards of 1400 guests, with a waiting list often exceeding 1000 individuals, making it one of the most popular events of May Week. The King's Affair is managed by a team of 20 king's students each year.
"It’s the student party of the year, but it is notoriously difficult to get tickets for if you’re not at King’s. Make a friend there fast if you haven’t already." - The Tab
"What better way to say goodbye to dusty ancient halls, pacing, buttoned up dons in gowns and the incessant nagging 'stay-off-the-grass' signs than by trampling, bouncing, sliding and even racing a dodgem on the highly cultivated main court of the most photographed college in Cambridge. What better way than to see the grand walls that symbolise the establishment severity and rigor of Cambridge life explode in chaotic colour as projected cartoon characters smash into each other?" - Varsity
List of past King's Affair Chairs:
2015/16- Mariella Mostyn Williams
2014/15- Sachin Parathalingam
2013/14- Margherita Cornaglia
2012/13- Raffaella Taylor-Seymour