In a world where negatives dominate the headlines of everyday news, social media and conversation, we choose to believe that HAPPINESS and JOY can be found EVERYWHERE. Big and small, each happy moment is worth savoring, celebrating and entertaining. Whether your moment of happiness is a secret scoop of butter pecan at midnight or a party for the ages, we believe it’s in everyday moments that good things happen. This is why we founded The Happyware Company, a state-of-the art kitchenware company that puts the exclamation mark on happy moments, by adding a Smile®.
The Happyware Company is rooted in positivity, community, transparency and design. It was founded under one simple belief: provide people with the highest quality, state-of-the-art kitchen gadgets, and tools that celebrate happy moments in everyday life. Our mission is to remind people that happy moments in life are to be noticed, celebrated and cherished. Because there is nothing more valuable than happiness!