The Green Index is a way of measuring how green a company is. Our comprehensive methodology objectively measures the impact a business has on the environment and helps identify key areas for improvement in a way that has never done before.
We review and analyse internal company data and transform what we find into a single easily understandable number which you can measure over time – the Green Index - along with a tailored action plan that lets the company take steps to improve their score over time.
The benefit of this is that it allows a company to prove, through independent measurement, that its business is sustainable, to truly understand the steps it needs to take to increase its green credentials, and to have a means of measuring the return on investment for sustainability activities.
Ultimately this is both a benefit for the business and the planet. As we look to the future, The Green Index will help businesses find a new normal where we all consider our impacts on the world around us in a measurable way.
Our vision is to be that one measure that is a consistent point of clarity that all businesses can trust to help guide them along their road to sustainability.