The Globally Conscious Leader brings together small groups of carefully selected entrepreneurs, executives and aspiring leaders who are committed to growing their leadership capabilities and connecting their actions as leaders with the impact they can have on their local and global communities.
You will benefit from mentoring with seasoned advisors and guest mentor/speakers. Your leadership skills will develop a framework and benefit from the thoughtful suggestions of like-minded and similarly-motivated peers. Your experience will lead to deeply satisfying, life-long relationships with other participants.
The Globally Conscious Leader participants are committed to developing their own globally conscious and responsible personal leadership style. You are seeking leadership growth and societal change, and you are looking for greater responsibility and effectiveness in your career and personal life.
Our Mission
To catalyze and support leaders and leadership with globally conscious, sustainable practices at every level in every organization.
Our Why
We believe that every business is uniquely situated to contribute effectively to, and benefit from, the reversal of climate change. We want companies to realize that their best product is social good.
Our How
•Within each organization, establish the irrefutable goal of zero unmeasured externalities.
•Provide experiential training in the best available leadership practices and in the development of sustainability-oriented, globally conscious organizational cultures
•Provide time-tested resources and practices, so people and organizations can be sustainably creative, resourceful, and resilient.
Your Why:
It is better for you, better for your customers, better for your organization, better for your community and better for your planet.
The Irrefutable Goal For All Globally Conscious Leaders
Zero Unmeasured Externalities