The Friends is dedicated to supporting the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County and to promoting literacy in our community. We achieve these ends primary by selling used books (both private donations and Library discards) and yearly memberships. The funds we raise provide essential dollars to the Library so it can continue to offer lifelong educational opportunities.
We have two retail locations staffed by an army of dedicated volunteers. Our Used Book Store at the Warehouse is the center of Friends activity and planning. Donations are processed here and and our main collection of books (upwards of 100,000 titles) is housed at this site.
The Friends' Shop in located in the Main Library, downtown. Filled with treasures for readers, writers and gift givers, this boutique specialized in greeting cards and literary-themed merchandise. You will also find hundreds of used books in the back room available for purchase.
The Friends sponsor several large book events throughout the year, and our locations are open for shoppers year-round. We provide original programming including a book club and a writer's discussion group.