The Death Deck is a game and conversation tool composed of thought-provoking cards about death. Created by Lori LoCicero (who lost her husband and mother to cancer) and Lisa Pahl (the hospice social worker who guided Lori through her husband Joe’s death), the game arose from their personal and professional experiences with unpreparedness at the end.
The Death Deck is a party game and conversation starter. It is used by death doulas, advance care planning professionals, estate planners, friends/family members to help begin to explore thoughts and feelings surrounding death and dying.
The E•O•L (End of Life) Deck is the second card tool created by the makers of The Death Deck and includes 52 new cards designed specifically to encourage meaningful dialogue surrounding end-of-life wishes.
The E•O•L Deck has a softer image, language and tone than The Death Deck. The questions focus on exploring end of life preferences, rather than all things death related.
The E•O•L Deck is used by professionals within the end of life space including hospice palliative care staff, senior advisors, geriatric case managers, cancer care specialists, medical social workers, and death doulas.
Both products stimulate important conversations around a topic that most of us avoid. We hope that these tools result in people being more prepared for end of life.