.. brings cruise tourism to life with targeted, well-researched and engaging presentations on popular, strategic or operational aspects of cruise tourism
.. offers actionable insights and valuable know-how on cruise tourism and cruise destination management to all interested parties
... earned his experience in a 14-year-long career on or around cruise ships and their destinations in 150 destinations on 4 continents
.. empowers and inspires front line key actors, like guides or hospitality staff, to be passionate, authentic and resourceful ‘experience creators’ for cruise tourists
.. targets the intersection of cruise tourism and the ‘local world’, facilitating the encounter and improving the result
.. addresses members of strategic and operational destination management, key actors in front line cruise tourism, students of tourism and general interessees
.. is consistently reviewed as ‘great’ or ‘excellent’ – check out the reviews on my website.
.. is currently helping 6 Nordic destinations grow their reputation, volume and success with cruise tourism. Will yours be # 7?
.. works anywhere in the Baltic / Northern European (cruise) landscape and is fluent in Danish, English and (to some extent) German
#cruisedestinationmanagement #trainingcruiseprofessionals #cruisetourismconsulting