The Council for Six Sigma Certification (CSSC) is a professional accrediting body within the Six Sigma industry that does not sell training, mentoring, coaching, or consulting services. Our objective is to ensure that Six Sigma Certified individuals have been exposed to the complete Six Sigma Body of Knowledge and have been required to meet a minimum standard of proficiency for Six Sigma and its implementation. We offer free accreditation services and free training material for the benefit of the entire six sigma industry.
Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
228 Park Avenue S, #96508
New York, NY 10003-1502, US
Six Sigma Body of KnowledgeSix Sigma CertificationMinimum standard of proficiency for Six Sigma
Free accreditation servicesFree training material
Free Six Sigma AccreditatioSix Sigma CertificatioFree Six Sigma TrainingSix Sigm