Our mission to is provide clinically-proven methods to reduce pain and eliminate drug dependence.
We are a multi-disciplinary team focused on eliminating opioid dependence for more than 100,000 Americans by 2020. We are combining clinical methods, technologies, and international scientific research to discover effective new treatments for patient living with chronic pain and addiction.
What we treat:
Mental Health: Issues of mental health are also treated at The Control Center. Neurological assessments that are given can diagnose any issues of mental health. Individual therapy, group therapy, spiritual therapy and counseling are also part of this program.
Drug Addiction: Drug addiction treatment involves meeting with a psychotherapist in order to devise a treatment program that works best for each patient. Most programs involve intense therapy sessions to delve into what the real issues are behind the addiction.
Prescription Drugs: This program runs similar to drug addiction but with different aims. Medical management, neurological assessments, nutritional re-development and psychotherapy are all included.
Call us at 855-701-4040