The Compassionate Friends Victoria (TCFV) is dedicated to supporting grieving parents, siblings and grandparents in the event of the death of a child – of any age or from any cause. We offer 24 HOUR Grief Support via our phone line 1 300 064 068 and with our bereaved sibling online chat service available 8pm - 11pm.
We understand the indescribable pain caused by this loss, because our support team members have each experienced the loss of a child, sibling or grandchild.
We use our lived experience to provide peer support for grieving family members. This means that whenever you speak to a member of TCFV’s volunteer support team, you will be speaking to a person who has common experiences to you.
We provide a range of support services and activities to help you cope with your grief.
24 HOUR Grief Support: (03) 9888 4944
National Number: 1300 064 068
Phones are staffed by bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents
Administration Phone: (03) 9888 4034