We are in the business of #doinghumanbetter. Powered by Integral Africa, TCC offers ICF (ACTP) Integral U Coach Training - the flagship Integral Coach Practitioner Programme (IPCP) offers a year-long deep process of integration through vertical growth. We believe coaches (and leaders) benefit from understanding human consciousness and ask of you to do the internal work you wish to facilitate for others. We see this as core to leadership development for thriving cultures.
Founder members of COMENSA and Coaching Supervision, TCC is a pioneer in both the local and global coaching industry. As a company with 20 years of deep experience across multiple industries- corporate, HE, government, health, manufacturing, retail, and finance, we continue to respond and innovate transformational work that is tailored for you - our clients. Integral Africa is committed to enabling your Inner Development Goals to enhance individual and collective health. In a complex, ambiguous world of uncertainty: we love finding the 'good' questions that empower awareness for skilful impact. In a world that priviliges ‘doing’ - our purpose is to ‘be’ better.
Our work spans short tailor-made courses in organisations, to longer-term, deeply emergent integral U journeys for leaders. IU offers a powerful GPS to understand experience & expand our African wisdom towards integration, transformation and impact.
INTEGRAL U = I through We
IU LEADERSHIP: the future leaders we need and want
IU COACHING: tailored coach training and executive coaching for thriving organisations who can skilfully navigate Complexity and Change
IU SYSTEMIC TEAM COACHING: empowering teams through Collective Intelligence
Bespoke short courses
We value relationships and results
The Ubuntu Coaching Foundation (UCF), further serves our passion by making coaching and leadership skills development accessible to communities.