The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) is a member-based research and strategy organization that serves to support stakeholders from across the food and ag
value chain by providing industry-leading tools, resources, and solutions that help our members and partners succeed.
CFI is the leading, credible resource whose mission is to help today’s food system build trust. We envision a transparent, sustainable food system in which practices align with consumer expectations and the public discussion is well-informed and balanced.
To achieve our mission, we focus on four key areas of trust and transparency: Research & Insights, Emerging Trends & Issues, Strategic Solutions and Connections & Coalitions.
The Center for Food Integrity member base and project supporters represent the diversity of our food and agriculture value chain. From pre-farm tech, to growers, producers, manufacturers, financial institutions, suppliers, universities,
state/trade associations and retailers, CFI convenes and collaborates with stakeholders in a precompetitive environment to help build trust in our food system.