The Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED) is a non-profit, non-political, and non-government organization established in April 23, 1991. It is registered at the District Administration Office, Lalitpur and has affiliation with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal.
High, inclusive and sustainable rural and agricultural growth contributing to poverty alleviation and livelihood improvement of the poor in Nepal
Widen improved, sustainable livelihood options for poor and disadvantaged communities in a gender-sensitive and environment-friendly manner
The overall objective of CEAPRED is to reduce poverty, enhance food security, and empower women, deprived and disadvantaged communities of Nepal. The specific objectives are:
To promote commercial high-value agriculture, livestock and agro-processing activities based on local comparative advantages,
To introduce production technologies that safeguard human health and environment,
To design and deliver specialized package of development services to ensure active participation, decision-making and benefit sharing by the deprived and disadvantaged groups, and
To organize, train and institutionalize local community groups so that development is locally owned, managed and sustained.