The Body Positive's mission is to teach people how to overcome conflicts with their bodies to lead happier, more productive lives. We expand our Body Positive movement worldwide with leadership trainings for high schools and colleges, workshops for individuals, our book Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!), and trainings for professionals.
The Body Positive Offers:
Be Body Positive Daylong Workshops
Spend an intimate day in a small group setting with one of The Body Positive’s Co-Founders and learn how to transform your relationship with your body to one that is guided by love, forgiveness, joy, and celebration.
Create a Body Positive Campus
The Body Positive offers leadership training for initiating powerful, student-led programs aimed at building Body Positive campuses. We provide the training and educational materials needed for students and staff to become positive role models and leaders, and to establish a social climate in the school community where healthy eating, a positive body image, and excellent self-care are the norm.
Use The Body Positive Educational Materials
Our documentaries predominantly feature speakers in the same age range as the intended audience. Four age-appropriate DVDs introduce youth in grades K-12 and adults of all ages to the philosophy of The Body Positive, with a focus on teaching people to listen to the wisdom of their bodies and to become resilient against harmful messages. The curriculum for ages 5-9 and 9-12 provide students with an opportunity to deepen the discussion of the issues.