Childhood friends, Rob Robbins and Shane Stanger, left their careers to follow their true passion: serving up inventive sweets to their home town of San Diego. At The Baked Bear, we assemble monstrous ice cream sandwiches that have won the hearts of locals and drawn accolades from Forbes, Eater, Thrillist, and more. With 18 locations now open and 15 more coming in 2018, we're on our way to becoming your everyday dessert destination. Stop by for a treat.
Original-recipe ice cream sits at the heart of each one of Rob and Shane's sandwiches, which are held together by fresh-baked cookies, brownies, or even donuts. The Baked Bear has over a dozen original-recipe cookies and ice cream flavors, giving guests a chance to mix and match to find their favorite combination. Before they're served, the sandwiches can be rolled through toppings ranging from Fruity Pebbles to Oreo crumble, giving them an Instagram-worthy touch.
As we expand, we continue to focus our efforts on maintaining the integrity of our product, brand, and company culture, emphasizing a strong sense of local community involvement. We decided to franchise because we felt strongly that growing with teams outside of San Diego would provide us the best opportunity to understand and connect with each community that we enter. Our goal has been to open new stores only when we meet qualified candidates that share our same values and work ethic. We are looking to partner up with passionate, dedicated, and creative people who understand that community involvement is at the heart of our brand and company culture. Each of our franchisees dedicate themselves to fundraising, catering, event hosting, and giving back to the community.
If you would like more information on becoming a part of The Baked Bear team, please visit our website below.
Food and Beverage Services, Retail trade, bread, cakes, pastries and confectionery, General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Catering Services, Food & Beverages, Restaurant & Bar Supplies, Restaurants, Theatre
HQ Location
4516 Mission Blvd
suite C
San Diego, CA 92109, US
Free parkingVegan friendly