Thé Paon is pronounced “teh pon” and literally means “peacock tea” – a reference to the vivid blue colour of our butterfly pea teas. The butterfly pea plant (C. ternatea; aka blue pea) is renowned for its brilliant bright blue flowers, which are packed with naturally-blue antioxidants called anthocyanins. We blend these dried blue flowers with ingredients from across the globe, which have been chosen for both their flavour and bio-active components. The result is a natural and lightly-flavoured anti-inflammatory herbal tea, bursting with goodness to help protect your cells from oxidative damage.
Butterfly pea is FDA-approved safe, and recent clinical studies have shown promising results related to: maintaining blood glucose levels, fat metabolism, blood pressure, blood antioxidant capacity, and reducing DNA & protein oxidation.
Why choose the peacock as our symbol? Throughout history the peacock (“le paon” in French) has been a symbol of royalty and immortality across many cultures. Modern science shows that a diet rich in antioxidants can slow the cellular changes associated with ageing and disease - helping us to live better for longer. While we can’t promise you eternal life per se, Thé Paon can offer you the next best thing: premium butterfly pea tisanes bursting with potent natural antioxidants.
Our butterfly pea tisanes are healthy, tasty, and our packaging is 100% plastic-free and compostable. Which is why our unique butterfly pea tisanes are good for you, and good for our planet.
Check us out on Instagram @thepaonfr or our website ( pour nos ami.e.s francophones) for more information.
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