The Texas Young Lawyers Association, organized in 1930, is a department of the State Bar of Texas. All members of the State Bar of Texas, irrespective of age, licensed twelve years or less at the beginning of each fiscal year (beginning June 1) are automatically members of TYLA. TYLA’s funding comes directly from the State Bar and grants from various not-for-profit entities, so there are no additional dues to pay to be a member.
TYLA is commonly referred to as the “public service arm” of the State Bar of Texas. TYLA’s primary purposes are to facilitate the administration of justice, foster respect for the law, and advance the role of the legal profession in serving the public.
TYLA’s programs often offer information to members of the general public about a legal topic; other projects are designed to assist Texas lawyers in developing and maintaining their legal practices. Still others are directed toward underserved members of our community, including the homeless, the elderly, and members of our military.
All of TYLA’s programs are accomplished through the volunteer efforts of our board and committee members, with the cooperation of our local affiliate young lawyers associations. Click here for a list of TYLA Affiliates. Volunteering alongside current TYLA members is easy, as many TYLA initiatives are organized online or by teleconference.
Each year, the TYLA publishes an annual report, designed to inform the public and the bar about the work performed by TYLA volunteers in the preceding year.