The company is named after one of the greatest inventive minds in the last 200 years. While the brilliant thinker, Nicola Tesla is virtually unknown for his ubiquitous contributions of the alternating current system and the radio; this was due in part to his drive to work in secret. It is their loss that he was a somewhat paranoid and naive businessman. He first worked in the US with Thomas Edison in the company that became the giant General Electric Corporation that they know today as a pioneer in the Six Sigma revolution. Several years later the Westinghouse power generation company was established on Tesla's original patents for alternating current.
Their Company focus is slightly different from the average consulting company that provides Quality and/or Lean solutions. Their objective is the development of your skills to solve your issues independently, and not to rely on external expertise. It is their observation that only internal ownership leads to long term success and retention of improvement programs. They support your internal growth through coaching, after initial evaluations and with occasional specific problem solving applications.