Temelio develops powerful and innovative Data Marketing solutions to help brands deliver a people-based approach through a cross-device and cross-channel view, combined with high-quality proprietary data. Temelio offers 4 solutions suited to your marketing goals:
1) Data Onboarding: We connect offline customer data (CRM, loyalty program etc.) to online profiles, enabling brands to recognize and target their customers across devices and channels, and provide a customized experience on websites and media campaigns.
2) Demographic Data: We provide deterministic demographic data for targeting, allowing brands, media and advertising agencies to reach qualified audiences for their media campaigns.
3) On2Off Analytics: Cross-channel measurement is critical for brands with a brick-and-mortar footprint. Our analytics solution ties online exposure to offline sales, closing the online-to-offline loop for better conversions.
4) Shopper Data: Our Shopper Data solution connects offline purchasing data to digital media, helping CPG brands and manufacturers improve audience targeting and measure sales impact.
For more information and updates, please visit our website www.temelio.com.