TellusConnect is a privately-held, woman owned enterprise that provides Professional Services for design and management of infrastructure within the cellular, fiber, construction and energy fields:
Drafting Services
Site Audit Services
EME Studies
We are fortunate to be involved in some of the most dynamic industries in the global marketplace today.
Constant growth and consumer appetite for all things technology have fueled a fast-paced development and deployment cycle for our clients.
Providing an unmatched set of fast and accurate design services, we are uniquely positioned to deliver quality and efficiency to our clients at a pace unheard of in the past.
Having some of the brightest minds in the business, our design teams have been able to compress the timelines needed for delivery of top quality products to our clients, but that’s not enough in today’s market. To improve further we invested heavily in the design and manufacture of software tools that greatly increase the efficiency data movement, plus all the communication required to assign, query and complete projects. This we call our “Workflow Management System”.