We are the largest trade marketing community in the world, with over 205,000 shoppers monitoring points of sale for you.
Decipher your ideal shopper's desires by monitoring points of sales through collaborative teleporting platform solutions. You, as our client, have instant, personalized access to our shoppers, also known as, “Teleporters”.
With our platform, your business gains an unparalleled geographic presence and guarantees a strategic competitive advantage through the instant connection to our community!
Model I: Shopper Insights can build decision trees, show value perception, brand awareness, brand recall, shopper sentiments and much more.
Model II: Monitoring of physical points of sales to compile market intelligence through personalized solutions. These include pricing, tracking stock disruption, square mapping, monitoring of competitors, share of shelf space, shelf position and much more.
And do you know who does all of this? The shoppers themselves with their smart phones! This is Teleporting.
Get in touch with us and feel the power of collaborative trade marketing.