1-Provide various specialized, technical and consultation services in fields including processing of economics and financial data and information; computer applications such as hardware, software, computer networks and computer application systems; and implementation and optimization of operational, managerial and computer approaches in trading of securities, commodities and financial instruments. The services provided for all stakeholders and players in securities and capital market (according to Securities Exchange Act 21/11/2005) and all other individual and legal entities.
2-Make, optimize, localize, implement and trade of electronic, computer and information system in and outside the country.
3-Capture and organize financial data and information and utilize Information and communication systems for converting them to specialized information.
4-Manage, supervise, maintain and operate electronic and information systems in and outside the country.
5-Establish, maintain and operate intermediate certificate authority and digital signature for capital market. This center issues digital signature for securities exchange market players, investors and stakeholders and all individual and legal entities.
6-Provide professional and applicable training to capital markets participants and stakeholders.
7-Shareholding in other companies via establishment or subscribing of new companies or buying and subscribing of existed domestics and international companies. Membership in related domestics and international organizations and associations.