Working together to achieve the best possible care for young people with cancer.
Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer (TYAC) is a registered charity and the UK's only membership body open to all professionals involved in the care of teenagers and young adults with cancer. By providing information on best practice and new developments, training and support to our members, we aim to improve the quality of life and likelihood of survival for young people with cancer.
Our vision is that all teenagers and young adults with cancer in the UK receive the best possible treatment and support.
We welcome all professionals and practitioners involved in the treatment, care and support of young people with cancer.
Non-profit Organization Management
HQ Location
Century House, 24 De Montfort Street
Leicester, LE1 7GB, GB
Information on teenage and young adult cancer careProfessional development for people working with young people with cancerLearning opportunities for professionals working with young people with cancerand Best practice guidance in TYA cancer care