Tecumseh Area Partnership, Inc. (d/b/a Region 4 Workforce Board) is a workforce intermediary whose goal is to connect economic development, education,
community-based organizations, local elected officials, employers and job seekers
in any way that's needed to have the quality of the area's workforce be a source of competitive advantage and strength.
Through convening and collaboration with stakeholders TAP seeks to strengthen the regional talent pool of workers to match private sector investment in technology, capitol and product improvement and connect job seekers and job providers; andconnect both job seekers and job providers with educational training programs to continuously update skills.
Non-profit Organizations, Administrative & Specialty Services
HQ Location
976 Mezzanine Drive, Suite C
Lafayette, IN 47905, US
Workforce intermediaryCollaboratioFacilitatioEconomic developmentEducation and TrainingLabor market informatioBusiness servicesACT WorkKeys assessmentsWorkKeys Job Profiling