Tecnal Scientific Equipments

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing · 51 Employees
Phone Number: 551921056161
Email Address: comex@tecnal.com.br
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Tecnal Scientific Equipments operates in the market since 1976 and has an active participation in the technological, scientific and industrial scene of Brazil and the world. With the development of high-tech equipment and representation of international companies of great expression, Tecnal contributes positively to the work of laboratories, plants, industries, educational institutions and companies of various sectors. One of the indicators of Tecnal quality is the ISO 9001:2015 certification, the result of the training and constant training of the team of professionals, as well as significant investments in research and technology — applied from the service, through the production process, after-sales and technical assistance. A qualidade TECNAL conquistou a certificação ISO 9001:2008 através da capacitação e treinamento de sua equipe de profissionais, do constante investimento em tecnologia e informática, aplicada desde o atendimento, passando pelo processo produtivo até o pós-venda, disponibilizando assim uma extensa linha de produtos com qualidade controlada e assistência técnica garantida através de sua coligada TECNALISE. A TECNAL está sempre à frente das necessidades para oferecer as melhores soluções para sua empresa.
Year Founded
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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
HQ Location
Rua João Leonardo Fustaino, 325 Distrito Industrial Uninorte Piracicaba, SP 13.413-102, BR
Ambiental - Águas e EfluentesBioquímicaIndústria FarmacêuticaMicrobiologiaNutrição - Animal e HumanaSolos - Análise foliarFísica de solosMehlich e ResinaAlimentosBebidas & Nutrição Animal
  • Rua João Leonardo Fustaino, 325 Distrito Industrial Uninorte Piracicaba, SP 13.413-102, BR

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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing

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