Our Vision
Our vision is to teach modern education to the youth and transform their mindsets for the sustainable future of this planet.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide modern digital education to every youth across the country.
Who we are
Techuman means Technology and Humanity. The organisation believes if Technology is used more sustainably it can bring Humanity closer.
Techuman foundation has been founded on the grounds of providing Quality Education to all.
What we do
Our organisation focuses on providing digital education to the youth on some of the important topics of the modern age. We focus on providing education on Digital Citizenship, Mental Health and Sustainability. We also focus on creating awareness on the social issues of the world. We motivate youth to believe in their powers and help them pursue their dreams for the benefit of this planet.
We create our own educational content and publish it over our social media platforms.
We also provide workshops on modern education in schools and help students to learn more about technology, sustainability and mental health.
Why we do it
We have founded this organisation because in Digital India we need a lot of changes to make our nation a Developed one. We have taken the responsibility to bring the change in the education of this nation. Modern educational topics like Digital Citizenship, Mental Health and Sustainability are the pillars of future India. We need to teach our youth the usage of technology in a much more sustainable manner and clear the stigma around Mental health if we aim to make India a developed nation in the next 25 years. Hence, Techuman Foundation is focusing on introducing new learnings in the education of this country in a digitalised form.